Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority



This list presents the bonds issued by the PFA.
Federal Highway Reimbursement Anticipation Loan Note
The Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended, authorizes the Government of the United States Virgin Islands (the “Government”) to issue several types of municipal securities and distinguishes general obligation bonds from revenue bonds.

The issuance of general obligation bonds is restricted to an amount no greater than 10% of the aggregate assessed valuation of taxable property in the Territory. The Government’s general obligation bonds are backed entirely by Gross Receipts Taxes.
Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds
On November 1, 2001, the Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands to purchase the rights, title, and interest in Tobacco Settlement fund litigation awards for the amount of $18.4 million, under the Master Settlement Agreement dated November 23, 1998. Tobacco bonds were issued in 2001 and 2006 to finance various health related capital improvement projects throughout the territory.
Tax Increment Financing Revenue Loan Note
The Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended, authorizes the Government of the United States Virgin Islands (the “Government”) to issue several types of municipal securities and distinguishes general obligation bonds from revenue bonds. Pursuant to 2008 V.I. Act No. 7054 enacted October 11, 200, the Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority is authorized to issue Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) bonds.
Matching Fund Loan Note
The Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended, authorizes the Government of the United States Virgin Islands (the “Government”) to issue several types of municipal securities and distinguishes general obligation bonds from revenue bonds. The Government’s revenue bonds are secured by the pledge of Matching Fund Revenues. Matching Fund Revenues are those revenues received by the Government from the United States Department of the Treasury, through the Secretary of the Interior, as a transfer of federal excise taxes imposed and collected under the Internal Revenue code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) in any Fiscal Year on any product produced in the Virgin Islands and exported to the United States and that is subject to federal excise tax that qualifies for transfer to the Government (the “Matching Fund Revenues”).
Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note
The Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended, authorizes the Government of the United States Virgin Islands(the “Government”) to issue several types of municipal securities and distinguishes general obligation bonds from revenue bonds. The issuance of general obligation bonds is restricted to an amount no greater than 10% of the aggregate assessed valuation of taxable property in the Territory. The Government’s general obligation bonds are backed entirely by Gross Receipts Taxes.



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